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Welcome to Boo Digital


Smart Neighbor

A custom online store for Alabama Power's appliance sales group

Our charge

Alabama Power selected us to redesign and develop the entire user interface & user experience of the existing Smart Neighbor Shopify Plus instance.

Focus on Product

The overarching goal for the Smart Neighbor redesign was to craft a user interface and user experience that increased conversion. Our first step in the redesign was to identify what currently worked with the site along with the largest issues. The known issue was that the user interface was not engaging Smart Neighbors customers as well as not displaying products in such a was the customers had an easy path to purchase.

We identified that products we're being display to the customer as soon as they arrived on the page and therefore required the customer to take a scroll action before they were shown product options. We redesigned the initial user experience to allow for featured products and removed whitespace that in turn pulled more proudcts into the initial page view.

Home desktop

Mobile is Now

Through analysing Smart Neighbors site traffic we were able to identify that almost 50% of the overall traffic was generated by mobile devices. This large source of traffic dictated that a strong focus on how a customer would purchase a product via their phone was paramount to gaining increased conversions. This meant that we needed to focus on the first experience that a mobile user would have entering the site.

While on desktop their was enough screen realestate to show up to 20 products at anytime, mobile screens had a feasible max product grid of 8 roducts. This means that we would need to focus on the feature products and easy navigation to core proudct categories.

Home slider iso

Highlight Poducts & Price Breaks

In the product detail view our goal was to highlight 4 core elements:

  • Product media (Images & Videos)
  • Price differentiation
  • Clear conversion points
  • Promotions

By focusing on these 4 core elements we increased engagement with the product media, increased conversion, and increased the rate of items added to the cart.

Product mobile

Results, Results, Results

Creating a consistent and simplified UI/UX affected the following metrics:

  • Increased Conversion
  • Increased Revenue
  • Increased Site Traffic
  • Decreased Page Speeds
  • Optimized Mobile Inerface
  • Most importanly! Happy Customers!
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